
Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Great Horned Owl


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Great Horned Owl | The great horned owl owl is heavier than exists in Central and South America and is the second heaviest owl in North America, according to the owl closely related, but very different in appearance Nevado (scandiacus like). They vary in length from 43 to 64 cm (17-25 inches) and has a size of 91-153 cm (36-60 inches). Females are always slightly larger than males. A second subspecies may, owls weighing 0.6 to 2.6 kg (1.3 to 5.7 pounds). It is a fort built in the form of barrel types and has a large head and large wings. Adults have large ear tufts, and is the only large owl in its range of them. The iris is yellow, except the amber-eyed South American Great Horned Owl (BV Ñacurutú). Its "horns" are neither ears nor horns, simply tufts of feathers. The feet and claws are very large and powerful, and the only other Owl Bubo has greatly comparable position.

Owls still young in the care of their parents are strong and persistent hiss or whistle, which are often confused with the cries of Barn Owl (Tyto alba). Owl Others may "superficially similar, but the species is allopatric with the exception of the types of Magellan. In North America, the owl (Asio otus), a little" like a little marked and actions and characteristics of the Prominent ear tufts, but is much smaller thin, gray line, running along the center of the disc and face each other tufts nearest the top of the head. The owl breeding habitat ranges subarctic North America during most of North and Central America and then to South America to Tierra del Fuego, at the southern tip of the continent. Owl can take up residence in trees, deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, tropical forests, grasslands, meadows, mountains, deserts, subarctic tundra, coastal rock, mangroves and some urban areas.'s less common (ie, the heart of the deserts, dense forests and mountain areas above the tree line) at the end, there is usually no wetlands tide, and lacks the high Arctic tundra.

All Great Horned Owls coupled permanent residence in its territory, but the birds without the younger couple and move freely in search of companionship and a territory, and let regions with little food during the winter. Prey can vary greatly depending on the options. The predominant group dams are small and medium sized mammals such as rabbits and hares, which are statistically more regular prey, mostly small and small rodents like rats, squirrels, flying squirrels, mice, voles and lemmings. Other mammals consumed regularly include shrews, bats, armadillos, muskrats, martens and weasels. In one case, the remains of 57 striped skunks were found in a single nest owl. Birds also an important part of the diet of the owl, which range in size from kinglets, great blue heron (Ardea herodias) and young swans. Regular avian prey includes woodpeckers, grouse, crows, pigeons, herons, gulls, quail, turkeys, and many songbirds. Waterfowl, coots and ducks are mainly hunted frequently even birds of prey up to the size of red-tailed hawks and owls of the snow, sometimes they are taken.

The owl is a potential predator otherwise owl in the Americas, of which there are dozens. Reptiles (the size of the young American alligators (Alligator), amphibians, fish, crustaceans and even insects, centipedes, scorpions and worms are the occasional extra loot. Addition, the great horned owl predators such as cats and small dogs or young ( Canis lupus familiaris). Carrion is eaten regularly, including road deaths. E 'common for people with wildlife replicas annoying plastic handle put owls on their property, as many small animals actively avoid areas inhabited by them. Owls are some of the early birds breed in North America, obviously. For owls in tropical climates, data breeding season are a bit "for an indefinite period. Like all owls, owls do not build nests. Often take over a nest of another large bird, sometimes feathers to line the nest but usually not much more. Old Crow and Raven (Corvus), Red-tailed Hawk or squirrel nests are large and often favored in North America. Other nesting sites contain a large gap in the trunk of a tree, protected wells. On the rocks and even heron nests amid a colony Men choose nesting sites and attention to female flies with them and then stomp on it.

The average width is 1.8 eggs (46.5 mm), the mean length of 2.2 in (55.2 mm) and the average weight is 1.8 ounces (51 g). The female does all the incubation, and seldom moved out of the nest, while the male owl take food to his capture. Move young owls on branches almost 6 weeks and start flying about a week later. Great Horned Owl, fledgings eggs and chicks can be hunted by foxes, coyotes (Canis latrans), or wild or feral cats. Almost no predators of adults, but they can be killed in clashes with great eagles hawks, owls and snow Northern else especially great horned owls. Rarely seen a case of predation of an adult great horned owl in Parksville, British Columbia, was shot, taken when a bald eagle captured and killed near a golf course. Owls have experienced wild within 13 years, while the owls in captivity can live up to 38 years. Great horned owls sometimes fly artificial objects, including the power grid that eletrocute and can die in a car accident or buildings.

Education is greatly changed public opinion and the owl conservation efforts have ensured that populations of large predators are stable. Sometimes these owls endangered species accidentally before. After the devastation of its population of DDT, peregrine falcon reintroduction has been hampered by the displacement of local chickens and adult owls. Large as it is, the owl is a globally threatened species by IUCN as
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