
Senin, 15 April 2013

Giant Otter


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Giant Otter | The giant otter is significantly different from other otters by morphological and behavioral changes. It has the longest of all species of weasel family, though the sea otter may be heavier. Well muscled animal's tail, another 70 cm (28 inches) to add the total body length. Early reports skins and live animals exceptionally large males indicate up to 2.4 m (7.9 ft), the occurrence of such intensive hunting likely reduced bulk samples. The giant otter is the shortest of all types of otter skin, is usually chocolate, but may be red or beige looks almost black when wet. Water trap guard hairs and maintain the inner layer is dried, the hair is about 8 mm in length (third-inch), about twice the inner side of the skin. Short nose and giant otters are bowed his head and give a spherical appearance. The ears are small and rounded. Whiskers are very sensitive to the giant otter (whiskers) that facilitates the animal to changes in water pressure and flow, the following proof of prey. Very well suited for life in the water, close your ears and nose under water.

Otters subspecies, the vision is usually normal or slightly myopic, both on land and in water. The audience keen sense of smell giant otters excellent. Dens to build giant otters that the holes in the banks, usually with multiple inputs and multiple rooms. In Cantao State Park, Otter dig burrows reproduction on the shores of lakes around July, when the water is already very low. This makes it easier for adults enough fish for young growing puppies and learn to fish. The details of the giant otter reproduction and life cycle are rare, and captive animals have much information. Women seem to be born, but in nature, during the dry season births reached its peak. Studying captive specimens showed that male copulation begins. The females have a gestation period of 65-70 days, the birth of four 59 puppies. Mothers give birth hairs and blind subterranean hideout near the banks of the river and fishing spots. Men who are active in the production of strong family ties and little brothers and sisters are also in the breeding of small animals, but in the weeks after the birth, which temporarily left the group.

The giant otter is very sensitive due to human activities, where. The longest documented life giant otters in the wild is eight years. The giant otter is a predator, and inventory reflects the overall health of coastal ecosystems A full year of study, the giant otter droppings found in the Brazilian Amazon fish in all stool samples. Entrails were large species that probably relatively shallow water preference for visual orientation otters seem. Prey were also generally sedentary swim short distances, only the giant otter predation helps found. The giant otter seems to be opportunistic spread locally among all types. Truly coordinated hunting may occur if the mother were taken by a single giant otters, anacondas and caimans as black. The giant otter seems to prefer prey fish, are usually motionless in the clear water of the rivers. Hunting Prey fast and turbulent, missed with cracks and turns through the shallow water and some goals. To catch otters consume their food and immediately laid fish to pack between the front legs and start eating noisily in the head. Carter and Rosas consume found in adult animals in captivity for about 10% of their body weight per day, about 3 kg (7 lb), consistent with the findings in Nature Adult giant otters have no serious natural enemies beyond human.

In water, the giant otter endangered animals that feed strictly electric eels and rays are potentially be fatal if it fell over, and piranhas can be in a position, at least one bite on the giant otter, clear the scars of the individual. Although no direct predation, the giant otter or with other predators for food sources to compete. Duplaix documented interaction with neotropical otters. The smallest otter neotropical is much more shy, quiet and less social around a third of the weight of the giant otter is prone to looting, the lack of sharpness in his favor. Lobito is active at dusk and at night, which reduces the risk of a decline in conflict with the giant otter your smaller prey during the day, the habits of the different types of water supplies and also to reduce the preferred interaction. Other species feed on similar food resources, including alligators and large fish to feed themselves. Gymnotids, like the electric eel and catfish big catfish are among aquatic competitors.
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