
Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Peregrine Falcon


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Peregrine Falcon | The Peregrine Falcon has a body length of 34-58 cm (13-23 inches) and a wingspan of 74-120 cm (29-47 inches). The male and female have similar markings and plumage, but in reverse marked like many birds of prey the Peregrine Falcon displays sexual dimorphism in size, to the extent that women up to 30% larger than the male. Standard linear measures of the peregrine falcon are: Measurement of wing chord 26.5 to 39 cm (10.4 to 15 cm), the tail is 13-19 cm (5.1 to 7.5 inches) and measures 4.5 to Tarsus 5.6 cm (1.8 to 2.2 inches) Back and long, pointed wings of adults are bluish black to dark slate gray with indistinct password in the rule (see "subspecies" below), the ends of the wings are black. White rust below are prohibited with thin white stripes of dark brown or black. The Peregrine Falcon lives mostly along mountain ranges, river valleys, coastlines, and increasingly in cities. Only populations that breed in Arctic climes typically migrate great distances in the winter. pressure air from a 200 mph (320 km / h) surfaced could damage a bird's lungs, but small bony bump on the nose of the powerful flow falcon guide of air through the nose, so that the bird to breathe more easily while diving, reducing the variation in air pressure. In 2005, Ken Franklin recorded a falcon stooping at a top speed of 389 kmh (242 mph). The life of the peregrine falcon in the wild first 15.5 years.

The Peregrine Falcon is host to a range of parasites and pathogens. Relictum Endoparasites include Plasmodium (usually does not cause malaria in the Peregrine Falcon), leeches Strigeidae,  erratospiculum amaculata (nematodes) and flatworms. Noto Falcon ectoparasites are chewing lice, Ceratophyllus Garei (chip) and flies Hippoboscidae (Ornithoctona nigra Icosta erythrocephala). The Peregrine Falcon feeds almost exclusively on medium sized birds like pigeons and doves, waterfowl, songbirds and shorebirds. In North America, prey in size from 3-g hummingbirds to 3.1 kg Sandhill Crane (killed by a peregrine in a coup) has changed. Smaller dams are regularly ahead, including small hawks, American kestrels as. Coastal populations of the large subspecies pealei feed almost exclusively on seabirds. In the Brazilian mangrove Cubatão hawk wintering tundrius observed successfully hunting juvenile Scarlet Ibis. Insects and reptiles are a small part of the diet, depending on what prey is available varies The peregrine falcon hunting at dusk, when prey most active at night, but in the city, especially during migration periods when hunting at night may become generalized. Nocturnal migrants taken by pilgrims include species as diverse as Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Black-necked Grebe, Virginia rail and quail.

The large immigrant communities, especially those species that congregate in waders as open can be very attractive to the peregrine falcon hunting. Prey is beaten and captured in the air, the peregrine falcon prey reaches a narrow foot, stunned or killed on impact, and then take turns in the air. Prey is plucked before consumption. The male passes prey captured by the female in the air. During the breeding season, the Peregrine Falcon is territorial nesting pairs are usually more than 1 km (0.62 miles) away, and often much more, even in areas where a large number of couples. The distance between nests ensures sufficient food supply for pairs and their chicks. Peregrine Falcon nests in a scrape, normally on cliff. Add any nesting material. Cliff nests are usually under an overhang, with strips of vegetation. Before the demise of most European pilgrims, a large population of peregrine falcons in western, central and abandoned nests of other large birds used. In many parts of its range, pilgrims now nest regularly on tall buildings or bridges, these artificial structures used for breeding are very similar to natural rock ledges pulls for peregrine falcon nesting sites. The pair defends the chosen nest against other pilgrims, and often against ravens, herons and gulls, and if ground-nesting birds, and mammals such as foxes, wolverines, cats, bears and wolves. Both nests and (less often adults) are valid looted by raptors such as eagles, owls, hawks and large. Pilgrims defending their nests have managed large prey such as the golden eagle and the bald eagle (both general and avoid potential predators) that kill approach the nest.

The eggs are white to beige with red or brown. The average number of young found in nests is 2.5 and the average number of flight is about 1.5, by occasional sterile eggs, produce, and various natural losses of nestlings. After hatching, the chicks ("eyases") are covered with white cream and feet.The disproportionately male (called "tercel") and female (simply called "falcon") both leave the nest to gather prey to feed youth. parents can extend s' hunting within 19-24 km (12-15 miles) from the nest site.  

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