
Jumat, 12 April 2013

Prairie Dog


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Prairie Dog | Prairie dogs are named for their habitat and warning call, which sounds like a barking dog. 1804 The Journals of Lewis and Clark noted that in September 1804 "discovered a Village of an animal the French call la Prairie Dog. Cynomys usually comes from the Greek word meaning" Rat Dog ". Gender differences in the body of prairie dog of mass reaches 105-136% between the sexes. Among the types of prairie dogs tail tend to be less sexual dimorphism, and dogs of white-tailed prairie tend to be the most sexual dimorphism. Prairie dogs usually live at altitudes of 2,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level. As prairie dogs often live in areas with environmental hazards such as hail, blizzards and floods as well as drought and prairie fires, caves offer an important protection for them. Caves can help prairie dogs to control body temperature (thermoregulation) 5-10 ° C in winter and 15-25 ° C in summer. Burrows are 5.10 meters (16-33 feet) long and 2.3 meters (10.06 feet) underground. More research is known as the rim of the crater, which can be up to 1 m. Summit craters and rim craters serve as observation points predators watches. They also work to protect the flood caves. You brood chambers for their young, cameras and night for the winter. When hiding from predators, prairie dogs use less deep chambers tend to be usually less than a meter below the surface, children's rooms 2-3 meters below the surface. Very social, prairie dogs live in large colonies or "towns" collections of prairie dog families that can span hundreds of acres. Family groups of prairie dogs are the basic unit of society. Family groups of dogs of black-tailed prairie and Mexico as "crack" and "clan" are used to describe families of prairie dogs Whitetail, Gunnison, Utah.

Do not engage in these behaviors with prairie dogs to other families. The city of prairie dog family groups may also contain 15-26 subgroups within a city, called "neighborhoods", which are separated by a physical barrier. Most families, prairie dogs are composed of 2-3 male reproductive adult females and young males 1-2 and 1-2 young women. The females remain in their natal groups for life and therefore the source of stability in the groups of men leave their natal groups when they encounter another group of family, uphold and carry some families have more breeding females of a grown man can control in order to have more than one adult male in his creation. Two or three groups of females are controlled by a male. However, among these groups of women, no friends. The area occupied prairie dog average from 0.05 to 1.01 acres. The male inhabitants of a territory which defends and agonistic behavior between two men from different families seem to defend their territories. the fight against prairie dogs bite, kick and ram the other. Otherwise, if a competitor can see, women say that men residents. Prairie dog copulation occurs in caves, and this reduces the risk of rupture of a competing male.

Prairie dogs also called the clutch consists of a set of three two shells 25 with 15 seconds rest between each. Women can demonstrate their ability to reproduce by mating with men outside the family to gather. For dogs of black-tailed prairie, the set of all men who reside seed parents. It seems to be common in multiple paternity in litters and Utah Gunnison prairie dogs. Mother prairie dogs do most of the attention of young people. Fully developed in five months, the issue of the creation of cooperatives prairie dogs has been debated among biologists. In the latter case, it is recommended that other community nursing mothers only if another confused young man possessed. Infanticide has been reported in prairie dogs. Men who have more than one family group to kill the sons of men before. The prairie dog is well adapted to predators. Constantine Slobodchikoff and others argue that prairie dogs use a sophisticated system of vocal communication to describe specific predators. Slobodchikoff After these calls were, with their individuality, in response to a particular predator prairie dogs have advanced cognitive skills. He also writes that prairie dogs calls things that are not predators, they have. Alarm Response thieves varies depending on the type announced. For coyotes, prairie dogs move the entrance to a cave and standing in front of the entrance, watching the coyote, prairie dogs while they were inside the caves is wait and see. It was discussed whether the alarm calls of prairie dogs is selfish or altruistic. And 'that can alert other prairie dogs to the presence of a predator, so they can protect themselves. Black-tailed prairie Studies suggest that the alarm call is a form of kin selection, like the call of a young prairie dog and notification nondescended both families, cousins, nephews. Prairie dogs with relatives in nearby called more often than those without close relatives. Predators, however, it seems that difficulties in determining which prairie dog has a reputation, because your "ventriloquist". Perhap the most amazing communication prairie dog pups or exposure territorial called "jump-yip" black-tailed prairie. A prairie dog tail extends vertically along the entire length of the body and pull the front legs in the air while making a call. A jump-Yip prairie dog produces another neighbor do the same
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