The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Cougar | Cougars are thin and flexible members of the cat family. Women typically weigh 29 to 64 kg (64 and 141 pounds), averaging 42 kg (93 lbs.) Cougar size of the smallest near the equator, and more in the direction of the poles. The largest recorded cougar was shot in Arizona and 125.5 kg (276 lb) weighed after his colon was removed, indicating that in life, would weigh about 136.2 kg (300 lbs.) Several men puma British Columbia weighed between 86.4 and 95.5 kg (190 lbs 210). Front legs and claws are larger adjustments clutching prey. Cougars can be almost as large as jaguars, but are less muscular and not as strong, where their ranges overlap, the cougar is usually below average. In addition, the jaguar, puma, on average, more than any cat outside the Old World lion and a tiger.
Cougars sometimes voice low hisses, growls and purrs and squeaks and whistles, many of which are similar to domestic cats. Cougar color (hence the Konkolor Latin), but can vary greatly between individuals and even between siblings. Cougars have large paws and proportionally the largest hind legs in the cat family.
Cougars can jump 18 feet (5.5 meters) from the ground to the tree and are known to 20 feet (6.1 meters) jump up or down the hill. Although it is not strongly associated with water, swim A successful generalist predator, the cougar will eat any animal can catch, from insects to large ungulates (over 500 kg). The average weight of vertebrate prey (MWVP) are positively correlated (r = 0.875) with puma body weight and inversely correlated (r = -0.836) with food niche width in all of the Americas. The main species of raptors various deer species, particularly in
North America, deer, white-tailed deer, moose, elk and even big cats are accepted.
Overview of the North American study found 68% of prey were ungulates, especially deer. Only the Florida Panther showed no change, often prefer wild boars and armadillos research in Yellowstone National Park showed that elk, followed by deer, were the cougar in the primary objectives, the food shared with the gray wolf of the park, with whom the cougar competes for resources. Another study by Winter Kills (November-April) in Alberta showed that ungulates are more than 99% of the cougar diet. Scientist, the production of the individual
recognition was observed, as some cougars rarely slain bighorn sheep, while others are highly dependent on the mind. In South American cougar range, the ratio of deer in the diet is reduced. Competition with larger
jaguar has been proposed to reduce the size of the prey. Other listed prey species of the cougar include mice, porcupine, and hares.
capable of sprinting, the cougar is typically an ambush predator. Puma, the neck of a portion of the smaller prey with a strong bite and momentum of the animal on the floor to break. Cat pulls kill a bookmark, which covers his hands, and returned to feed during the day. Puma women are fiercely protective of their young, and are seen to successfully fight big animals like bears in their defense. Litter size 1-6 cubs, usually two or three. study showed a high degree of mortality among puma farthest from the maternal range trips, often due to conflicts with other
cougars (intraspecific competition). Research in New Mexico has shown that "males dispersed significantly farther than females, most are not large spaces, cougar habitat, and probably most responsible for nuclear gene flow between habitat.
Cougars can live up to 20 years in captivity. A male North American cougar, named Scratch, was two months before his 30th birthday when he died in 2007. The causes of death in the wild include disability and disease, competition with other
cougars, starvation, accidents, and, where allowed, human hunting. Feline immunodeficiency virus, HIV is endemic, the virus in cats, well adapted to the cougar. Puma has a large collection of
wild animals from all countries in America. The range covers 110 degrees latitude north of the Yukon in Canada to the southern Andes. Studies show that the Cougar regions with dense underbrush prefers, but can live with little vegetation in open areas. There have been reports of extensive debate possible colonization of eastern North America. DNA evidence has suggested its presence in eastern North America, while a consolidated map of cougar observations show a large number of reports in the Great Plains of the western half of Eastern Canada. Quebec, nature of services (known locally MRNF) also considers Cougar to be present in the province, after the introduction of the hazard DNA tests confirmed cougar hair in some sites linking Lynx.
There are anecdotal
observations Elliot SC Plantation, Maine (north of Monson), New Hampshire, observations were not confirmed in 1997 [66] In 2009, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources confirmed a cougar sighting in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. As a general rule, the range of the observations with respect to young puma which can travel great distances to reach those men to adopt the four confirmed cougar kills in Iowa since 2000 involved males. April 14, 2008 the police slain cougar on the north side of Chicago, Illinois. DNA tests were consistent with cougars in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Indiana Department of Natural Resources used motion-sensitive cameras to detect the presence of a cougar in Greene County in southern Indiana, May 7, 2010, to confirm. June 10, 2011, puma observed roaming near Greenwich, Connecticut. When wildlife officials DNA, cougar examined, they concluded that a wild puma in the Black Hills of South Dakota, who walked at least 1,500 miles east of unlimited duration.
specific state and provincial statistics are often available in North America, much less is known about the cat in the southern range. The total population is estimated at less than 50,000 breeding cougar by the IUCN, with a declining trend. U.S. state-level statistics are often more optimistic, suggesting cougar populations recovered.
California has actively sought to protect the cat and a similar number of cougars has been suggested that between 4000 and 6000. Pumapard is a hybrid animal resulting from the union between a puma and a leopard. Hamburg Zoo specimen was the reverse clutch, a black and white photo of an Indian father puma bred female leopard. Lee was born in a female cougar in a couple with a man male leopard or cougar with a woman in a pair of
leopard pumapards inherit a form of dwarfism. With the expansion of the human population, cougar goes overlap areas inhabited by humans. Attacks on humans are rare, as cougar prey recognition of learned behavior and they do not recognize humans as prey. Attacks on humans, animals and pets may occur when the cat gets used to people or in a state of severe hunger. The attacks are more common in the spring and summer when the young cougars leave their mothers and search for new areas.
Between 1890 and 1990 in North America, there were reported 53 confirmed attacks on humans, resulting in 48 nonfatal injuries and 10
deaths of humans (the total is greater than 53 because some attacks had more of a victim). In 2004 the number rose to 88 attacks and 20 deaths. In North America, the distribution of attacks is not uniform. Like many predators, cougar may attack if cornered, if a fleeing human stimulates their instinct to chase, or if a person is
"playing dead." The status quo can lead to a cougar consider people easy prey. When cougars do attack, they usually use their characteristic neck bite, attempting to position their teeth between the vertebrae and the spinal cord. The same survey showed that most of the attacks have occurred in British Columbia, particularly on Vancouver Island where cougar populations are especially dense. Previous attacks on humans, cougars display abnormal behavior, such as day care, without fear of the people, and the persecution of people.
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