The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Crane | Cranes are large for large birds like bird that flies highest in the world. They vary in size Demoiselle Crane, which measures 90 cm (35 inches) in length, Saro crane that can reach up to 176 cm (69 in), although heavier Manchurian crane, which can weigh 12 kg (26 lb) prior to migration. The plumage of the cranes varies by habitat. Species that inhabit large open wetlands tend to have more white in the plumage that species inhabiting wetlands minors or forest habitats, which tend to be more gray. These species are also generally white larger. The small size and color of forest species is thought to help maintain a less conspicuous profile while nesting, two of these species (common and Sandhill Cranes) also daub their feathers with mud skins during nesting. Most species of cranes are some areas of bare skin on the face, the only two exceptions are the Blue Crane and Demoiselle.
In the two crown
cranes trachea is shorter and slightly impressed only the sternal bone, trachea while the other species is longer and penetrates into the breastbone. Asia is the center of crane diversity, with eight species, followed by Africa, with five species of resident and wintering populations sixth. Australia, Europe and North America have two species. There are four types of cranes, two, Balearica (two species) and Bugeranus (more or less) are totally limited in Africa, and the third has a completely Anthropoides African species and the species found in Africa, Asia and Europe. Most species of cranes depend on wetlands and require large tracts of open space. Most
species of cranes nest in shallow wetlands.
two species of cranes Anthropoides that nest and feed in pastures (or arid grasslands or deserts) require wetlands to roost at night. The only two species that do not always land on wetlands are the two African crowned cranes (Balearica), which are the only crane that sleep in trees. Some species have both sedentary and migratory populations. The cranes are diurnal birds vary in their sociability to the season. During the breeding season are territorial and tend to remain in its territory all the time. Unlike the non-breeding season tend to be gregarious, forming large flocks to rest, socialize and feed in some species. The crane as a
family consumes a wide range of foodstuffs, animal ranging from vegetable matter. Among the wide range of products consumed some models, species shorter sales usually feed on dry highlands, while the highest turnover of species feed in wetlands.
Crane foraging use different techniques for different food types. If more than one species of cranes exist in one location, each kind separate niches adopt, in order to minimize competition and niche overlap. In a major lake in Jiangxi Province in China, Siberian cranes and mudlfats feed in shallow water, the black-necked crane at the edge of wetlands, sedge meadows hooded crane and the last two species also feed on farmland, along with the common crane
Cranes are perennially monogamous breeders, establish long-term pair bonds that can last the life of the birds. In a study of Sandhill Cranes in Florida, seven of the 22 pairs studied remained together for a period of 11 years. Cranes are territorial and seasonal breeders in general.
Seasonally varies between and within species, depending on local conditions. Migratory species start breeding to reach their spawning summer, between April and June. The breeding season of tropical species, however, usually coincides with the rainy or monsoon. Territory size also varies depending on the position. In contrast to the red-crowned crane territories may require 500 hectares, and couples can defend even larger territories than that, up to several thousand hectares.
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