The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Nurse shark | Common habitats are reefs, channels between mangrove islands and sand banks. It occurs in the Western Atlantic from Rhode Island, south of Brazil, in the Eastern Atlantic from Cameroon to Gabon (and possibly other beaches north and south) in the eastern Pacific from southern Baja California and Peru around Caribbean islands sharks are nocturnal, spending the day in large inactive groups of up to 40 people. At night, the sharks are largely solitary, spend most of their time through striped bottom sediments in search of food. Their diet consists mainly of crustaceans, molluscs, tunicates, sea snakes and other fish, especially blankets.
It is believed that enjoy
sleeping fish that would otherwise be too fast to catch sharks, although their small mouths limit the size of prey, sharks have large throat cavities which are used as a sort of bellows valve.
Nurse sharks are also known to graze algae and coral.
Nurse sharks are able to breathe while standing by pumping water through the mouth and gills. Nurse sharks are ovoviviparous, ie the eggs develop and hatch within the female's body, where babies grow up to live birth occurs. Nurse sharks are born fully developed pups about 30 cm long in cirratum Ginglymostoma. The shark is not widely commercially exploited, but by their lethargic behavior, is an easy target for local fisheries.
Divers often caused shark, however, still holding a specimen by its tail.
Nursing juvenile sharks are often sold in the aquarium trade saltwater. However, since sharks reach lengths of over 10 feet, which are too large to be kept in home aquariums.
Find The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World
Sorry, had posted a comment before but was also a bit confused. The first and third pictures are of what they call grey nurse sharks in some countries, like Australia, I think! We call them sand tigers. Again, beautiful site. Hope you're still maintaining it! xx
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