The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Ostrich | Ostriches usually weigh 63-145 kg (140-320 kg), East African Ostrich Race (S. c. Massaicus) with an average of 115 kg (250 lb) for males and 100 kg (220 lb) in women, and the name subspecies is pounds (240) on an average of 111 kg in adults unsexed. Exceptional male ostriches (nominal subspecies) weigh up to 156.8 kg (346 lb). When they reach sexual maturity (2-4 years), male Ostriches can be from 2.1 to 2.8 m (6 feet 11 inches to 9 ft 2 in) to be in height, while female Ostriches range from 1.7 to 2 m (5 ft 7.6 ft 7 in) tall. New girls are yellow-brown, with dark brown spots. Age, ostriches weigh around 45 kg (99 lbs). The feathers of adult males are mostly black, with white primaries and a white tail. Women and young men are gray-brown and white. The head and neck of both male and female ostriches is almost naked, with a thin layer below. The skin of the neck and thighs is pinkish gray females, while the male is blue-gray, gray or pink, depending on subspecies. The legs of the Ostrich are unfeathered and show bare skin, with the tarsus (the lowest part of the straight leg) is covered with scales: red to black women. The hock ostrich is the largest of all birds, measuring 39-53 cm (15-21 inches) in length. The bird has only two fingers for each foot (most birds have four).
Ostriches can be run at a speed of over 70 km / h (43 mph) and able to cover 3-5 m (9.8 to 16 feet) in a single step. The wings are used in mating displays and chicks shadow. The feathers lack the tiny hooks that bind together the smooth external feathers of flying birds, and so are soft and fluffy and serve as insulation. It can tolerate a wide range of temperatures ostriches. Ostrich sternum is flat, lacking the keel to the wing to bring the muscles, birds in flight. Like all ratites, the Ostrich has no crop, and it also lacks a gallbladder. Unlike all the birds, the
Ostrich secretes urine separately from faeces. All the other birds Store urine and feces were combined in coprodeum, but the shops chair ostrich in the rectum terminal. Unlike most birds, with males. The first fossil ostrich-like birds is the Palaeotis live close to the Asian steppes, from the Middle Eocene, a ratite size initially believed to be a bustard. While the relationship between the African species is relatively simple, a large number of Asian species of ostrich from fragmentary remains, and their relations are described and their relationship with the African ostriches is confusing.
Ostriches formerly occupied Africa north and south of the Sahara, East Africa, Africa south of the rain forest belt, and much of Asia Minor. Ostrich farming in Australia have established wild populations. Ostriches have occasionally been living Dahlak archipelago in the Red Sea seen near Eritrea. Ostriches normally spend the winter months in pairs or alone. Only 16 percent of Ostrich sightings were of more than two birds. Ostriches are diurnal, but active on moonlit nights. The male
ostrich territory is between 2 and 20 km2 (0.77 and 7.7 square miles). With his sharp eyes and ears, can ostriches predators such as lions from far away feel. When in danger of ostriches, but they can cause serious injury and death with kicks from their powerful legs. Contrary to popular belief, ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand is not so. This myth likely began with Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), who wrote imagine ostriches "when he pushed the head and neck into a bush, that the whole is hidden from his body. This may have misunderstood bury our heads in sand sand and gravel, to swallow, or such as National Geographic shows a defensive behavior are low, so it may seem to distance the head Ostriches become sexually mature at 2 and 4 years, females mature about six months earlier than men. Like other birds, an individual can reproduce several times during his life. The mating process differs in different geographical regions.
The cock performs with his wings, alternating wing beats, until he attracts a mate. Then violently flapping their wings to symbolically clear a nest on the ground.
Ostriches raised entirely by humans direct their courtship behavior of ostriches others, against their human caretakers. The fertilized female ostrich lays its eggs in a common nest only, a simple pit, 30-60 cm (12-24 inches) deep and 3 meters (9.8 feet) wide, scraped in the ground by the male. A female ostrich can distinguish their own eggs from all the others in a communal nest.
Ostrich eggs are larger than all the eggs (and by extension, the yolk is the largest single cell), but in reality are the smallest eggs in relation to the size of the adult bird. On average, 15 cm (5.9 inches) in length, 13 cm (5.1 inches) wide and weighs 1.4 kg (3.1 lb), more than 20 times the weight of a hen's egg, and 1 to 4% of the size of the female. The eggs are incubated by the female during the day and night to men. Ostriches have lived in captivity up to 62 years and 7 months.
As a kind of fly in the biozone rich African savanna, the ostrich has a daunting array of predators throughout their life cycle. Animals that eat ostriches of all ages are cheetahs, lions, leopards, wild dogs and spotted hyenas.
Ostriches often can escape the most predators in a search, then the most predators seek to bird unaware of vegetation or other objects jammed lurking. A notable exception is the cheetah, which are especially rich ostriches predators due to their high speed.
Common predators of nests and young ostriches are jackals, various birds of prey, wild boar, mongoose and vultures.
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