Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Sea Cucumber


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Sea Cucumber | The body of a roughly cylindrical cucumbers. The radially symmetric along the longitudinal axis, and presents weak cross with bilateral symmetry dorsal and ventral surface. At the front of the mouth surrounded by a ring of tentacles retractable normally in the mouth. Anterior muscles to bones lie contraction causes withdrawal introverted. The wall is formed by a body, the epidermis and the dermis, containing a ossicles to the lime-containing species that help characterize different species. Within the body wall of the body cavity which is divided by three longitudinal mesenteries that surround and support the internal organs

Exceptions include pelagic cucumbers and pawsoni Rynkatropa species, a commensal relationship with deep-sea anglerfish have. The diet of most cucumbers consists of plankton and decaying organic matter found in the sea. Some sea cucumbers position themselves in currents and catch food that flows by with their open tentacles. Also sift through the bottom sediments using their tentacles. In most sea cucumbers, the only important part of the skeleton and the attachment point for the muscles of the tentacles can be retracted into the body to the security that the major muscles of the body wall. Sea cucumbers extract oxygen from water in a few "trees" branch masks cloaca just inside the anus, to "breathe" drawing water through the anus and then is expelled. Together with the intestine, respiratory trees also as organs of excretion of nitrogenous wastes diffusion through the tube walls in the form of ammonia and particulate waste landfill phagocytic coelomocytes

Like all echinoderms, sea cucumbers possess both a water vascular system that supplies hydraulic pressure to the tentacles and tube feet, causing them to move, and the blood system. A ring core haemale vessels around the pharynx near the ring channel water vascular system, and further sends along the radial channels beneah ambulacrales areas. Additional Shipping respiratory trees surround even contact them only indirectly, through the coelomic fluid. In fact, the blood itself is essentially identical to the coelomic fluid which bathes directly bodies and fills the vascular system water. Phagocytic coelomocytes, somewhat similar function of the white blood cells of vertebrates, are formed in the haemale vessels and travel through the body cavity and two circulation systems.

Most sea cucumbers reproduce by releasing sperm and ova into the ocean water. Sea cucumbers are typically dioecious, with separate male and female individuals, but some species are protandrous. At least 30 species, including red sea cucumber pectoris (Pseudocnella insolens), fertilize the eggs internally and then pick up the fertilized zygote with one of the tentacles of its own power supplySome of the species are known for their eggs hatch within the body cavity, from which through a small crack in the body wall near the anus. The larva grows doliolaria converted with a shape of a barrel body and an eye 3-5 rings. In recent years, the sea cucumber industry in Alaska increased by increasing exports of the skin and muscles of China. In China, sea cucumbers are grown commercially in artificial ponds. Wild sea cucumbers are caught by divers and sea cucumbers are wild Alaskan higher nutritional value and are larger than sea cucumbers Chinese farm. Large, more nutritional value has allowed Alaska fisheries to continue to compete for market share, despite the increase of local agriculture, Chinese sea cucumber. The main target species are now White teat Fish, Black Sand Fish and fish, caught by diving to a depth of 40 meters.
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Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Mountain Goat


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Mountain Goat | The two goats and women have beards, short tail and long black horns, 15-28 cm (5.9 to 11 inches) in length, which contain yearly growth rings. Wool thin dense layer is covered with an outer layer of longer hairs and holes. In spring, mountain goats moult by rubbing against rocks and trees, adult males (males) shedding their extra wool first and the pregnant woman (women) to the last. Cabras men also have horns and a beard longer than a woman does. Mountain Goats can weigh between 45 and 140 kg (99 lbs and 310), while males typically weigh less than 82 kg (180 lb). Washington, Idaho and Montana through British Columbia and Alberta, southern Yukon and Alaska Southeast is. The most northerly range is said to be along the northern boundary of Chugach Mountains in south-central Alaska.

Mountain goats are the largest mammals in high altitude habitats, which has a height of 13,000 feet (4,000 m) or more. In the wild, mountain goats usually live twelve to fifteen years, life is limited by wear of the teeth. Mountain Goats are sexually mature at about thirty months. Nannies in a herd subjected to synchronized loops late October to early December, after which men and women participate in a mating ritual. Billies nannies looking ripe for long periods, digging holes in the heat, and compete in showy (though occasionally dangerous) scuffles. Sometimes young Billies try to participate, but are ignored by nannies, babysitters, and sometimes continue Billies inattention. After the breeding season is over, men and women are moving away from each other, with the Billies adults divided into small groups of two or three people. Nannies form homogeneous groups of children in bulk up to 50 animals.

Children weighing just over 3 kg (7 lb) at birth and begin to walk (or attempt) climbing in a few hours. As fighting between molds during the breeding season, these conflicts can sometimes lead to injury or death, but most are harmless. In lower regions below the tree line, nannies also use their fighting skills to protect themselves and their young to protect against predators. Predators such as wolves, wolverines, lynx and bear attack goats adulthood, given the opportunity. However, the cougar is perhaps the most important predator, while powerful enough for goats only mature agile enough to navigate the rocky swamp ecosystem goat. Despite their size protects them from most potential predators in higher altitudes, nannies still must defend their young eagles of gold, which constitute a major threat to children from predators. Mountain Goats sometimes aggressive towards people with at least one reported death following an attack by a mountain goat. 

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Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Crotalus Adamanteus


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Crotalus Adamanteus | The heaviest known specimen of 7.8 meters (2.4 ft) long, was shot in 1946 and weighed 15.4 kg (34 lb). Said maximum length 8 feet (2.4 m) and 8.25 ft (2.5 m). Specimens more than 7 feet (2.1 m) are rare but well documented. The reward was never claimed. 7.3 feet (2.2 m) specimen was captured and slain outside a neighborhood in St. Augustine, Florida, in September 2009. One study showed an average length of 5.6 feet (1.7 m) on the basis of 31 men and 43 women. The average body weight of 2.3 kg (5.1 lb). Some specimens may exceed 5.12 kg (11.3 lb), although exceptional specimens can weigh 6.7 kg (15 lb) or more. The host station includes 25-31 (usually 29) rows of dorsal scales in the mid-body, 165-176/170-187 ventral scales in men / women and 27-33/20-26 scales coverts in men / women. On the head, the rostral scale is higher than it is wide, and two scales internasal contacts. There are 10 to 21 scales in the region internasal-prefrontal and 5-11 (usually 7-8) intersupraocular scales. Usually there are two scales between loreal preoculars and post-nasal drip.

The color pattern consists of a brown, yellowish brown, brownish gray or olive green, covered with a series of 24-35 dark brown to black with diamond centers a bit clearer. Back, diamonds and more transverse bands and are followed by 5-10 bands around the tail. The belly is yellowish or cream, with diffuse dark spots along the sides. Forward and backward, the band is limited by various postocular white or yellow bands. C. adamanteus is located in the southeast United States southeastern North Carolina, south along the coastal plain of the Florida peninsula to the Florida Keys, and west along the Gulf coast through southern Alabama and Mississippi to southeastern Louisiana.

The original description of the species has no type place, although Schmidt (1953) suggested that it is restricted to "Charleston, SC" (USA) This rattle snake inhabits dry pine drawer pine and palmetto Flatwoods, dunes and coastal maritime hammocks, Longleaf pine / turkey oak habitats, grass-sedge marshes and swamp forests of cypress swamps, Mesic hammocks, sandy mixed woodlands of xeric hammocks, and salt marshes, and wet prairies during dry periods. Adult wild caught specimens are often difficult to maintain in captivity, but captive bred specimens are doing very well and feed easily slain laboratory rodents.
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Kamis, 24 Januari 2013



The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Porcupine | A porcupine is one of the 29 species of rodent belonging to the families Erethizontidae (genera: Coendou, Sphiggurus, Erethizon, Echinoprocta and Chaetomys) or Hystricidae (genera: Atherurus, Hystrix and Trichys). Porcupines vary in size considerably: Rothschild's Porcupine of South America weighs less than a kilogram (2.2 lbs (1.00 kg), the crested porcupine in Italy, Sicily, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa grow to more than 27 kg (60 lbs). The eleven Old World porcupines tend to be very large, and have peaks that are clustered. The New World porcupines evolved their spines independently (through convergent evolution) and are more akin to a number of other families of rodents than those of the Old World porcupines.

Porcupines occupy a short distance of habitats in tropical and temperate Asia, Southern Europe, Africa, North and South. Porcupines live in forests, deserts, rocks and slopes. Some New World porcupines live in trees, but Old World porcupines stay on the rocks. Porcupine quills have recently inspired a new type of needle.  

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Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Golden Lion Tamarin


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Golden Lion Tamarin | The Golden Lion Tamarin by her hair bright red-orange skin for a long time. The Golden Lion Tamarin is the largest marmosets. As with all New World monkeys, the Golden Lion Tamarin tegulae, the claw-like nails, nails instead of ungulae or apartment is in all other primates, including humans. Tegulae allow tamarins to the sides of trees cling to. The Golden Lion Tamarin has a very limited range, and that over time have all but lost 2-5% of their original habitat in Brazil. Today is the tamarind to three small areas of the rain forest in southeastern Brazil Poco das Antas Biological Reserve limited, Fazenda União Biological Reserve, private lands through the reintroduction program. Tamarins live in the lowland coastal forests, below 300 m (984 ft) above sea level. The Golden Lion Tamarin is active for up to 12 hours per day.

Approaching the afternoon tamarind concentrate more on insects. Tamarin groups use tree cavities, hollow or dense epiphytic vines sleep pages. The Golden Lion Tamarin tends before and after his retirement in the hot, humid season, the days are longer active. During drier times, insects, as more and more rare. The Golden Lion Tamarin is a varied diet is omnivorous fruits, flowers, nectar, bird eggs, insects and small vertebrates. Microhabitats for food and other daily activities and tamarins based bromeliads, crowns, sashes, palm leaves, cracked, woody vines, wine entanglements, shell trees rotting logs and leaves. The Golden Lion Tamarin uses her fingers to remove the dam cracks, known as leaves and dense growth behavior as micromanipulation. During the rainy season, Golden Lion Tamarin eat mainly fruit, but during drier times, you need to eat more foods such as nectar and other gums. Small vertebrates are also in these times that consumes insects become less abundant.

The reproductive system of the Golden Lion Tamarin is largely monogamous. If two grown men in a group, a mates with the female. Only dominant female can reproduce and fix bitches in the other group. Men can reach puberty 28 months. Tamarins have a gestation period of four months. Golden Lion Tamarin cooperative breeding groups are infants. Youth group members lose opportunities for improvement, but they gain experience in helping parents raise their younger siblings. Young people in his youth at 17 weeks come and socializing group members. Subadult stage reached in 14 months and will initially tamarind adult behavior.
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Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Przewalski Horse


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Przewalski Horse | The world population of these horses are all descended from 9 of the 31 horses in captivity in 1945 These nine horses were mostly descendants of about 15 captured around 1900. A The total number of these horses, according to a 2005 census was 1,500. Przewalski's horse is stocky, compared with domestic horses, with shorter legs. Przewalski horse's feet are often a little out of nowhere, also typical of primitive signs. The tail is about 90 cm (35.43 inches) long, with a spring hair length and shorter than those observed in domestic horses. In the wild, Przewalski's horses live in small family groups consisting of a permanent normal adult mares 1-3 and their common children. Bachelor stallions and stallions, sometimes old, join bachelor groups.

The reasons for their daily lives show a behavior similar to a herd of wild horses. Herd sires, guidance and protection of all family members, while the mare often shows leadership in the family. This constant communication leads to complex social behaviors in Przewalski horses.While dozens of zoos in the world of Przewalski horses in small quantities, there are also specialized reserves dedicated primarily to the species.

The largest captive breeding program for Przewalski horses prerogative Askania Nova in Ukraine. Tens of Przewalski horses were released in the area evacuated after the Chernobyl accident, which now serves as a nature reserve in fact deserted A free-ranging population intensively studied animals was also introduced to the Hortobágy Puszta in Hungary. Many zoos in the United States has also collaborated breeding Equus ferus przewalskii 1979-1982.

Le Villaret, located in the National Park of Cevennes in southern France and managed by the Association Takht is a Przewalski's horse farm, which was created to allow the free expression of the natural behavior of Przewalski horses. Eleven horses were brought to the zoo babies Le Villaret in 1993. Born horses have adapted to life in nature: they are free to choose their own partners and must feed themselves. Przewalski's Horse Reintroduction Project of China was initiated in 1985, when 11 wild horses were imported from abroad. After more than two decades of efforts, the Xinjiang Wild Horse Breeding Centre has given birth to a large number of horses, of which 55 were released in the region of Mount Kalamely.
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Kamis, 17 Januari 2013



The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Quetzal | Quetzales strikingly colored birds in the trogon family. Quetzals wing coverts with bright green or golden-green, back, chest and head, with a red belly. None of the species under immediate threat Quetzal in nature, even the brilliant Quetzal Near threatened species. The name "Quetzal" comes from the Nahuatl Quetzalli [ke't͡sal ː i], "large bright tail feather" (American Heritage Dictionary) or "tail coverts of the Quetzal" (the university Merriam-Webster), the Nahuatl root = quetz "up" is used to refer to a standing plume of feathers. Word "Quetzal" was originally used for the Quetzal brilliant, long tail famous Quetzal of Central America, which is the national bird and the name of the currency of Guatemala.  

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Selasa, 15 Januari 2013



The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Walrus | The origin of the word walrus is probably derived from a Germanic language Old Norse and was largely attributed to a road or the Dutch. For example, the word hrossvalr Nordic "horse-whale" and is believed to have been transmitted in the round Dutch dialects of northern Germany, walrus and walrus. The Norwegian Konungsskuggsja manuscript, probably from around 1240 now referred to as the Walrus "rosmhvalr" Iceland ", rostungr" in Greenland (walruses died in Iceland and Norway, while the word has become Greenland). Many place names in Iceland, Greenland and Norway, beyond the reach of Hvalfjord walrus Hvalsnes Hvallatrar and some names are all typical outbreaks walrus.

The archaic English word for walrus morse is believed came from Slavic languages. Mursu in Russian in Finnish, Sami and vice morse in French Olaus Magnus, the walrus in Marina Charter in 1539, initially represented as red walrus Marus, probably a Latinization Morz, and this was described by Linnaeus in his adopted binomial nomenclature. The similarity between bit random and morsus Latin word "bite" probably contributed to the fame of the Walrus as a "terrible monster". Walruses live about 20-30 years in the wild. Women come and copulate in the water.

Most of the Pacific walrus population spends his summers north of the Bering Strait, the Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean, along the northern coast of eastern Siberia, around Wrangel Iceland between the Beaufort Sea to along the northern coast of Alaska, and in the waters of this place. Fewer males summer in the Gulf of Anadyr, on the south coast of the Chukchi Peninsula of Siberia and in Bristol Bay on the southern coast of Alaska, west of the Alaska Peninsula. In spring and fall, walruses gather around the Bering Strait, the. There were about 200,000 Pacific walruses estimates from the recent (1990) based on the census.

The population is much smaller than the Atlantic walrus ranges from the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, Spitzbergen, and the western part of the Russian Arctic. There are eight sub hypothetical walruses largely on geographical distribution and grassroots movements five west of Greenland and three east of Greenland. Long ago, the Atlantic walrus route south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and. In large numbers in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada Atlantic Walrus was nearly destroyed by commercial harvest and has a much smaller population.

The isolated population of the eastern Laptev walrus is limited throughout the year in the central and western regions of the Laptev Sea Kara Sea and western most regions of eastern Siberia. The current estimated population of walruses between 5,000 and 10,000. The limited capacity of walruses dive leads them to rely on shallow water (and ice sheets around) for the supply of food. Because of its size and tusks, the walrus has only two natural enemies the killer whale (orca) and polar bears. The walrus is not an essential element of food or predator. Both the orca and the polar bears are more likely to prey walrus calves. The polar bear hunting often squeezed walrus aggregations to run aground and those who consume or wounded in the sudden flight, usually young or sick animals.

Polar bear walrus battles are often very long and tiring, and bears are known to give the attack after injuries of a walrus. Orcas regularly attack walrus walrus although it is believed that the victorious counterrevolution against the biggest whales The walrus plays an important role in the religion and folklore of many Arctic peoples defend. This myth is probably due to the Chukchi myth of the old walrus-headed woman who rules the sea, which in turn is linked to the Inuit goddess Sedna together. Although Carroll accurately portrays the biological walrus's appetite bivalve mollusks, oysters, primarily coastal and intertidal inhabitants, in fact. The "Walrus" in the cryptic Beatles song I Am the Walrus is a reference to the poem by Lewis Carroll. Another aspect of walruses in the literature, the short story "The White Seal" in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, which is the Seesam "old big, ugly, bloated, pimpled, fat-necked long walrus tusk Pacific Ocean North has no manners except when he sleeps 

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Kamis, 10 Januari 2013



The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Coyote | The back has a long black coat Tawny tip hair wearing a black and a dark dorsal cross forming on the shoulder area. Coyotes shed once a year, beginning in May with light hair loss, ending in July after heavy shedding. Some experts noted on the shape of the cranium of a domestic dog closer to coyotes in the form of lobe. Mountain dwelling coyotes tend to have dark hair, while desert coyotes tend to be lighter brown. North Coyote are typically larger than southern subspecies, with the largest coyotes on record weighing 74.75 pounds (33.91 kg) and 1.75 m (5.7 ft) in total length. Coyote tooth formula 3/3, C 1/1, Pm 4/4, M is usually 2/2, sometimes 3/3, 3/2 or 2/3 × 2 = 40, 44 or 42 Normal distance between the upper canine teeth is 29 - 35 mm (1.1 to 1.4 in) and 25-32 mm (0.98 to 1.3 inches) between the lower canines. dogs, coyotes have a higher density of sweat glands on the pads of their paws. This feature is absent in the large New England coyotes, presumably a wolf ancestor.

Though coyotes have been observed to travel in large groups, primarily hunting in pairs. Coyote packs are generally smaller than wolf packs and associations between individuals are less stable, and their social behavior more in line with that of the dingo. Common names of coyote groups are a band, a package or a defeat. Coyotes are predominantly nocturnal, but can often be seen during the day. Coyotes are capable of digging their burrows, though they often prefer the burrows of groundhogs or American interest. Like other canids, coyotes mark their territory with urine In areas where wolves have been exterminated, coyotes usually flourish. For example, as New England became increasingly settled and the resident wolves were eliminated, the coyote population increased, filling the empty ecological niche. Coyotes appear better able than wolves to live among people. Coyotes have lived up to 10 years in the wild and 18 in captivity. Coyotes Mono Strous his wife, and remain in heat two to five days in late January and late March, where mating takes place. 

The pups weigh approximately 250 grams at birth, and are initially blind and lame ears. Both parents feed the weaned pups with regurgitated food. Sexual maturity is reached after 12 months. Unlike wolves, coyotes mother tolerate other lactating females in their pack. The coyotes are called signs of a high tone and described as screams, Yips, whining and barking. When a coyote calls his group together, shouting on a high note. Coyote attacks on humans are rare and rarely cause serious injuries, due to the relatively small size of the coyote, but it was more often, especially in the state of California. Data USDA Wildlife Services, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and other sources show that while 41 attacks occurred during the period of 1988-1997, 48 attacks were followed in 1998-2003. In the absence of intimidation practiced by rural coyotes, urban coyotes lose their fear of humans, which is worsened by people intentionally feeding coyotes or not. In such situations, some coyotes have begun aggressively toward humans, chasing joggers and bicyclists, addressing people walking their dogs, and stalking small children. Coyotes Nonrabid times these areas will focus on children, especially children under the age of 10, though some adults have been bitten.

While media reports of such attacks often the animals simply to identify in question as "coyote", on the eastern coyote genetic research shows that those involved in attacks in northeastern North America, including Pennsylvania, New York , New England and eastern Canada, can actually coywolves, hybrids and Canis latrans Canis lupus, total coyote. Coyotes are an important feature in the area whose skin. In 1986-87, South Dakota buyers purchased 8,149 skins for a total of $ 349,674 for buyers. Today, coyote fur is still used for full coats and trim and is particularly important for men's coats.
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Web-footed Gecko


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Web-footed Gecko | The web-footed gecko is almost transparent ghostly pale with a salmon pink and light brown stripes. The color offers perfect camouflage among the beaches of red sand of the Namib Desert, its primary habitat. Geckos legs Web as a medium, reaching an average size of about four inches (ten centimeters) long. The males are slightly smaller than females. Some people these foods hunt lizards and human encroachment destroys part of their habitat.
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Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Right Whale


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Right Whale | Unlike other whales, whales have distinctive callosities (rough patches of skin) in the head, with broad shoulders, no dorsal fin, sometimes with a white belly and jaw of a long face and curved, or higher, which begins above the eye . Corns appear white due to large colonies cyamids (whale lice). Right whales can grow to 18 m (59 ft) long and weigh up to 100 short tons (91 t, 89 long tons), considerably larger than humpbacks or gray, but smaller than the blues. Whales swim slowly, reaching only 5 knots (9.3 km / h) at a higher speed. During the mating season, which can occur at any time of the North Atlantic whales congregate in "active surface" groups with a maximum of 20 men who associate with a woman. The males are not aggressive towards other males and humpback whales. The average age of first birth in the North Atlantic whales is estimated to be between 7.5 and 9. Females breed every 3-4 years.

The right whale grows rapidly in the first year, usually doubling the length. Little is known about the life of whales. One of the few well-documented cases is that of a female North Atlantic whale was photographed with a child in 1935, then photographed in 1959, 1980, 1985 and 1992. In other whiskers, which feed by filtering the water from the dam. The whale then expels the water, with their beards to the dam to maintain. Right whales "three major predators are humans, whales and sharks. When danger lurks, a group of whales can be grouped in a circle and hit highlighting the tail.

The three Eubalaena species inhabit three different regions of the world the North Atlantic Ocean in the west by the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean in a band from Japan to Alaska and all areas of the Southern Ocean. Whales can only handle the moderate temperatures between 20 and 60 degrees latitude. The Basques were the first to commercially hunt whales, beginning as early as the 11th century in the Bay of Biscay. The Basque coastal whaling continued sporadically in the 19th century.

"Yankee Whalers' new colonies replace the Basques. For 1750, commercial whaling in the North Atlantic was pretty much over. The whaling station in the south of Brazil was founded in 1796, in Imbituba. During the following century, whaling in the Southern Yankee diffusion and the Pacific, where the Americans united fleets from different European countries. As highlighted stocks are low, the world banned commercial whaling in 1937 right. Madeira has his last two whales in 1968. Japan has 23 Pacific whales in 1940 and more under scientific permit in 1960.

The southern right whale, Hermanus, South Africa is one of the world centers for whale watching. During the winter months (July-October), Southern Right whales come so close to the coast, visitors can watch the whales from the hotel in a strategic location. The city has a "whale crier" (cf. town crier) to walk to town announcing where whales are seen. Southern right whales can also be seen in other winter breeding grounds. In Brazil Imbituba, Santa Catarina is recognized as the whale national capital and has annual celebrations Right Whale week in September, when mothers and calves often. The old whaling station has become a museum dedicated to the whales. In winter in Argentina, Península Valdés in Patagonia is home to the largest population of the propagation of the species, with more than 2,000 animals cataloged by the Whale Conservation Institute and Ocean Alliance.
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Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Spring Peeper


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Spring Peeper | Spring peepers are tan or dark brown with a cross which is about an X in its dorsal part (hence the Latin name crucifer, meaning cross-bearer), although sometimes it can be any brand. Have a length ranging from less than 1 inch (25 mm) from 1.5 inches (38 mm) and a weight of 0.11 oz (3.1 g) and 0.18 ml (5.1 g). Color variations of P. Cruciferous vegetables are mostly beige, brown, olive and gray. Spring Peepers live mainly in forests and woodlands near ephemeral wetlands regeneration or semi-permanent. Amphibian species require wetlands, ponds, marshes and regions in order to support the eggs and tadpoles need water. At the northern end of its range, Spring Peepers often have to endure occasional periods of frost during the breeding season. 

This species occurs frequently in creating aggregations of several hundred people, and usually played in many small wetlands, including marshes, ponds and temporary disturbed habitats, such as ponds and storage tanks The Spring Peeper habitat includes the southern Gulf Coast of Texas from the south-east to southeast Georgia and northern Florida, USA. Its northern counterpart occurs in the United States east of the Mississippi and extends to the eastern and central Canada. Spring Peepers are nocturnal carnivores, emerging at night to feed mainly on small invertebrates such as beetles, ants, flies and spiders. Spring peepers who live deep in the rainforest hunters are active both day and night, while those who are on the edge of the forest hunting limit and once at night.

Spring Peepers are played in southern areas from October to March, depending on the temperature of the room. Egg masses hide under vegetation or wastewater to the base. In very cold weather, they hibernate under logs and loose bark. The Spring Peeper can move in about 3 years in the wild. The Spring Peeper has a special status in most areas. The frogs are common and widespread in the eastern regions. The species are classified as threatened in Iowa and Kansas. 

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Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Great Horned Owl


The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Great Horned Owl | The great horned owl owl is heavier than exists in Central and South America and is the second heaviest owl in North America, according to the owl closely related, but very different in appearance Nevado (scandiacus like). They vary in length from 43 to 64 cm (17-25 inches) and has a size of 91-153 cm (36-60 inches). Females are always slightly larger than males. A second subspecies may, owls weighing 0.6 to 2.6 kg (1.3 to 5.7 pounds). It is a fort built in the form of barrel types and has a large head and large wings. Adults have large ear tufts, and is the only large owl in its range of them. The iris is yellow, except the amber-eyed South American Great Horned Owl (BV Ñacurutú). Its "horns" are neither ears nor horns, simply tufts of feathers. The feet and claws are very large and powerful, and the only other Owl Bubo has greatly comparable position.

Owls still young in the care of their parents are strong and persistent hiss or whistle, which are often confused with the cries of Barn Owl (Tyto alba). Owl Others may "superficially similar, but the species is allopatric with the exception of the types of Magellan. In North America, the owl (Asio otus), a little" like a little marked and actions and characteristics of the Prominent ear tufts, but is much smaller thin, gray line, running along the center of the disc and face each other tufts nearest the top of the head. The owl breeding habitat ranges subarctic North America during most of North and Central America and then to South America to Tierra del Fuego, at the southern tip of the continent. Owl can take up residence in trees, deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, tropical forests, grasslands, meadows, mountains, deserts, subarctic tundra, coastal rock, mangroves and some urban areas.'s less common (ie, the heart of the deserts, dense forests and mountain areas above the tree line) at the end, there is usually no wetlands tide, and lacks the high Arctic tundra.

All Great Horned Owls coupled permanent residence in its territory, but the birds without the younger couple and move freely in search of companionship and a territory, and let regions with little food during the winter. Prey can vary greatly depending on the options. The predominant group dams are small and medium sized mammals such as rabbits and hares, which are statistically more regular prey, mostly small and small rodents like rats, squirrels, flying squirrels, mice, voles and lemmings. Other mammals consumed regularly include shrews, bats, armadillos, muskrats, martens and weasels. In one case, the remains of 57 striped skunks were found in a single nest owl. Birds also an important part of the diet of the owl, which range in size from kinglets, great blue heron (Ardea herodias) and young swans. Regular avian prey includes woodpeckers, grouse, crows, pigeons, herons, gulls, quail, turkeys, and many songbirds. Waterfowl, coots and ducks are mainly hunted frequently even birds of prey up to the size of red-tailed hawks and owls of the snow, sometimes they are taken.

The owl is a potential predator otherwise owl in the Americas, of which there are dozens. Reptiles (the size of the young American alligators (Alligator), amphibians, fish, crustaceans and even insects, centipedes, scorpions and worms are the occasional extra loot. Addition, the great horned owl predators such as cats and small dogs or young ( Canis lupus familiaris). Carrion is eaten regularly, including road deaths. E 'common for people with wildlife replicas annoying plastic handle put owls on their property, as many small animals actively avoid areas inhabited by them. Owls are some of the early birds breed in North America, obviously. For owls in tropical climates, data breeding season are a bit "for an indefinite period. Like all owls, owls do not build nests. Often take over a nest of another large bird, sometimes feathers to line the nest but usually not much more. Old Crow and Raven (Corvus), Red-tailed Hawk or squirrel nests are large and often favored in North America. Other nesting sites contain a large gap in the trunk of a tree, protected wells. On the rocks and even heron nests amid a colony Men choose nesting sites and attention to female flies with them and then stomp on it.

The average width is 1.8 eggs (46.5 mm), the mean length of 2.2 in (55.2 mm) and the average weight is 1.8 ounces (51 g). The female does all the incubation, and seldom moved out of the nest, while the male owl take food to his capture. Move young owls on branches almost 6 weeks and start flying about a week later. Great Horned Owl, fledgings eggs and chicks can be hunted by foxes, coyotes (Canis latrans), or wild or feral cats. Almost no predators of adults, but they can be killed in clashes with great eagles hawks, owls and snow Northern else especially great horned owls. Rarely seen a case of predation of an adult great horned owl in Parksville, British Columbia, was shot, taken when a bald eagle captured and killed near a golf course. Owls have experienced wild within 13 years, while the owls in captivity can live up to 38 years. Great horned owls sometimes fly artificial objects, including the power grid that eletrocute and can die in a car accident or buildings.

Education is greatly changed public opinion and the owl conservation efforts have ensured that populations of large predators are stable. Sometimes these owls endangered species accidentally before. After the devastation of its population of DDT, peregrine falcon reintroduction has been hampered by the displacement of local chickens and adult owls. Large as it is, the owl is a globally threatened species by IUCN as
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