The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Donkey | Donkeys are of very different sizes, depending on breed and management. Donkey work in poorer countries have a life expectancy of 12-15 years in the richest countries, may last from 30 to 50 years. Donkeys are adapted to marginal desert areas. Every donkey is an adult action space, breeding in a large area can be dominated by a bush. The call loud or cry of a donkey, which usually lasts 20 seconds and can be heard for more than three kilometers, can help you stay in contact with other donkeys on the wide expanses of desert, donkeys have large ears that can pick up more sounds away, and can help to cool the blood of the donkey. Donkeys can be transmitted by biting, hitting with his front hooves or defend the kicks with the hind legs.
donkey is usually pregnant for about 12 months, although the gestation period varies from 11 to 14 months, and usually results in an individual foal.
Donkeys can intersect with other members of the horse kind, and are often crossed with horses. Some large breeds of asses of Martina Franca, as Donkey, the Baudet de Poitou and Mammoth Jack are only generated for the production of a mule. The hybrid between a stallion and a donkey is a mule, and is less common. Like other
inter-species hybrids are usually sterile, mules and donkeys Donkeys have a bad reputation for stubbornness, but this has a much stronger sense of "self preservation", as issued by the horses have been allocated.
ancestors of the modern donkey are the Nubian and Somalian subspecies of African wild ass. Remains of domestic donkeys from the fourth millennium BC, were found in Lower Egypt in Maadi, and it is believed that the domestication of the donkey has long been in the seventh and eighth millennium BC after the domestication of cattle, sheep and goats. By the end of the fourth millennium BC, the
donkeys had spread to Southwest Asia, and the main breeding center was transferred to Mesopotamia from 1800 BC. With the second millennium BC, the donkey was brought to Europe, was introduced at the same time, as probably the wine, like the donkey with the Syrian god of wine,
Dionysus is associated.
The first
donkey North America, as the two met in Mexico by Juan de Zumarraga, the first bishop of Mexico, where the six arrived in December 1528, during the first donkey to reach what are now the United States across the Rio Great were with Juan de Oñate in April 1598, the donkey used as a workhorse for at least 5,000 years. After the human work, the
donkey is the
cheapest form of power farm. Donkeys are often associated with working with the residents at or below the subsistence level. Some cultures that forbid women to donkeys to work with oxen in agriculture does not extend that taboo, so they can be used by both sexes.
In developed
countries, where it has been their use as beasts of burden, donkeys, mules father are used to protect sheep, donkey rides for children and tourists, and as pets. Donkeys can be touched or in the barn with horses and ponies, and is thought to have a calming
effect on nervous horses. If a donkey is introduced to a mare and foal, the foal can turn the donkey for support after he was weaned from the mother. Some donkey or cow meat in Italy, which has the highest consumption of horse meat in Europe and where donkey meat is the main component of several regional courts, some 1,000 donkeys were slaughtered in 2010, which is about 100 tons of meat. Donkeys work must be shod.
Donkey shoes are similar to horseshoes, but usually smaller, and without toe clips.
donkey has a tough digestive system in which roughage effectively distributed through microbial activity hindgut fermentation in the cecum and colon. While there are significant structural differences between the gastrointestinal tract of a donkey and a horse, a donkey is more efficient digestion. Donkeys are also less susceptible to colic. The reasons for this difference are not fully understood, the donkey may have different intestinal flora on the horse, or have a longer retention time of the
intestine. Donkeys obtain most of their energy from carbohydrates structural. In a lush climate, donkeys are prone to obesity and are at risk of laminitis. Around the world with free donkey work
very poorly associated with the residents at or below the poverty line.
In temperate
climates, the food available is often too rich and too fat, overfeeding can cause cause weight gain and obesity and metabolic disorders, as the founder (laminitis) and hyperlipidemia or gastric ulcers A male donkey (jack) with a female horse can be crossed to produce a mule. A male donkey with a female horse can be crossed to produce a mule.
Horse-donkey hybrids are almost always sterile because horses have 64 chromosomes, while donkeys are 62, the production of offspring with 63 chromosomes. Mules are much more common than mules. The above terms refer generally to the production of hybrid breeding a male zebra to a female donkey. Zebra mules, and zebret zebrinny all refer to cross a
zebra with a male ass woman. Zebrinnies zedonkies because they are more rare than precious female zebras in captivity, when the production of purebred zebras there are not enough female zebras breeding in captivity, in order to save for
hybridization, there is no such restriction on the number of women farm donkeys.
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