The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Heron | Heron medium and large birds with long legs and neck. The smaller species are generally considered to be Little Bittern, which can measure 30 cm (12 inches) in length, although all species of the genus Ixobrychus small overlap, and many vary in size. The main types of cranes Goliath Heron, who resists the 152 cm (60 inches) in height. The neck is more per day than the night heron and egret bittern. The legs are long and strong almost all kinds of free pens to the bottom of the leg (with the exception of Heron Zigzag). Legs herons have long slender fingers with three loved facing forward and one back. It can vary from very thin, as in the Agami Heron, the thickness, as in the gray heron. The bill is the most unusual property of boat-bill Heron, which has a wide thick bill.
wings are wide and long, from 10-11 primary flight feathers (Boat-bills Heron has only nine), middle tail feathers 15-20 and 12 (10 bitterns). Feathers feathers herons and soft, usually blue, black, brown, gray or white, and can often be surprisingly
difficult. Among the day herons little sexual dimorphism in plumage (except for the pond, herons), the differences between the sexes generally night herons and bitterns minors. Many species are in the form of different colors. In the Pacific Reef Heron, various forms of color, as dark and light, and the
proportion of each morph varies geographically. Herons are an ordinary family, with a cosmopolitan distribution.
Almost all kinds of water-related, they are essentially pool water birds that feed on the shores of lakes, rivers, swamps, lakes and seas.
Crane family is very mobile, and most species are at least partially migration. Migration usually occurs at night, usually by individuals or in small groups Herons and bitterns predators. Members of this family are mainly associated with damp and water, and diverse supply of water living victims. The diet includes a wide range of aquatic animals, including fish, reptiles, amphibians, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic insects. Individual species can be broad or specialize in certain types of prey, such as yellow crowned night herons, which specializes in crustaceans, especially crabs. Many
species also opportunistically with larger prey, including birds and bird eggs, and less likely to fall.
species of herons, egrets, both small and gray herons have been reported with bait to attract prey within reach. Herons can use existing elements or add elements active in the water to attract fish. Three species, Heron Black, Heron and whistles, such as cattle egret is less tied to the aquatic environment and can eat away from the water. Most days, herons and egrets are colonial night or in part, depending on the circumstances, while bitterns and tiger herons are mainly solitary nesters. Colonies may contain several species, as well as other species of waterfowl. In a study of small herons and cattle egrets in India, most of the colonies studied contained
both species. Nesting is seasonal in temperate species of tropical species may be seasonal in nature (often coinciding with the rainy season) or during the year.
Dating often
participates in the nest. The exception is the Boat-bill Heron, who joins from the nest. After pairing, the pair continue to build their nests in almost all species, albeit in a smaller and less bittern bittern is only male on the nest. Some ornithologists have reported observing herons join friends are powerless, it is looking for sexual satisfaction elsewhere. Heron nests "are usually found near or over water. Typically, herons lay from three to seven eggs.
Clutches great bitterns, as reported in smaller, more rarely, some of the biggest days of herons, and one egg clutches are some of the tiger herons. Offspring will vary depending on the latitude within species, individuals in more temperate climates chicken eggs in the tropics.
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