The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Capybara | Capybaras are heavy, barrel-shaped bodies and heads court with reddish-brown fur in the upper part of the body which becomes yellowish-brown below. The sweat glands capybara is found in hair, skin, unusual feature among rodents. The top recorded weight 91 kg (200 lbs) for a wild woman from Brazil and 73.5 kg (162 lb) for the wild men from Uruguay. The dental formula is slightly webbed feet capybara and a rudimentary tail. Females are slightly heavier than males. Capybaras are herbivores, grazing mainly on grasses and aquatic plants, as well as fruit and tree bark.
The plants that eat
capybara summer lose their nutritional value, and in winter, and, therefore, are not consumed at that time. Jaw hinge
capybara is not perpendicular, and then chew the food by grinding back and forth, not from side to side.
Capybara are coprophagous, meaning they eat their own feces as a source of intestinal bacteria to help digest the cellulose in the grass that forms their normal diet and to maximize protein and vitamins from food.
Capybara is a favorite prey of the anaconda. When in season, the smell of a woman and a number of men subtle changes begin tracking.
Capybaras mate only in water, and if the woman does not want to mate with a particular man, you either sink or out of the water. Dominant males actively protects women, but usually can not prevent all parties coupling. Dominant males provide more than just tie each subordinate, but the subordinate males, as a class, are responsible for more viscous than a dominant male. The life span of sperm over other rodent capybara
Capybara gestation is 130-150 days and usually produces a litter of four children, capybaras, but able to produce 1-8 in the same litter. The birth of the earth and the female to join the group for a couple of hours of delivery capybara babies, who will join the group as soon as they are mobile.
Young form a group in the study group.
Alloparenting observed in this species. Like other rodents, the front teeth of capybaras grow continually to compensate for the constant wear on their molars to eat grass also grow continuously.
Capybaras are gentle and will usually allow people to animals and their hand-feed. Capybara reared for meat and skins in South America. During Lent,
capybara meat is especially popular in parts of South America, especially in Venezuela, as the Catholic Church, a special permit would allow capybaras eat meat when meat consumption was not otherwise permitted.
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