The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Chameleon | Chameleons vary greatly in size and body structure, with maximum total length varying from 15 mm (0.6 in.) male Brookesia microns (one of the smallest reptiles in the world) to 68.5 inches (30 inches) oustaleti Furcifer men. Many species are sexually dimorphic, and males are usually much more graceful than the female chameleons. On the outside, the front legs, the side group contains two toes, while in the medial group contains three.
Is often referred to as
chameleons feet or zygodactyl didactyl, although none of the conditions are fully satisfactory, both are used in the description of the feet completely different, like parrots zygodactyl feet or feet didactyl lazy or ostriches, none of which significantly chameleon feet. Although "zygodactyl" pretty descriptive chameleon foot anatomy,
foot structure differs from that of the parrots, where the term was first applied. As didactyly, chameleons visibly have five toes on each foot, not two.
Feeding chameleons ballistically projecting its long tongue from the mouth to catch prey at some distance. While the chameleon's tongue is generally regarded as one and a half to two times the length of his body (excluding tail length), was recently found that
small chameleons (both smaller species and smaller individuals of the same species) have relatively larger units of language than their larger counterparts. Therefore chameleons can project their tongues
longer distances than larger chameleons that are the subject of most studies of the language and the length estimates, and can project their tongues more than twice the length of body.
device consists of chameleon tongue hyoid highly modified tongue muscles and collagen elements. The hyoid an elongated, parallel-sided projection called entoglossal process, in which a tubular muscle, muscle accelerator sits. The retractor muscle of tongue, hyoglossus, and hyoid muscles connects the accelerator, and is responsible for drawing the tongue back in his mouth after the screening language. The force with which the tongue starts, W known to 3000 kg-1 exceeds the muscle is capable of indicating the presence of a power amplifier power elastic tongue projection. While other ectothermic slow as body, by a decrease in the rate of muscle contraction, chameleons can their tongues projecting high performance even at low
body temperature. Are introduced,
feral populations of veiled and Jackson chameleons in Hawaii and isolated from wild Jackson chameleons reported in California and Florida. Chameleons inhabit all kinds of tropical forests and mountains, savannas and sometimes deserts and steppes. Chameleons Chamaeleoninae typical subfamily his tree and usually found in trees or bushes, although some (notably the Namaqua Chameleon) are partially or largely terrestrial. Many chameleon species are threatened with extinction. Declining numbers chameleon due to pollution and deforestation
Chameleons are mostly oviparous, some being ovoviviparous. Oviparous species lay eggs 3-6 weeks after intercourse.
Clutch sizes vary greatly with species. Small Brookesia species may only lay 2-4 eggs, while large veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) are known for clutches of 80-100 eggs. Clutch sizes can also vary greatly among the same species. The eggs generally hatch after 4-12 months, again depending on the species.
Chameleon eggs pastor (Calumma parsonii), a species that is rare in captivity, is believed to be more than 24 months to get it. Ovoviviparous species, such as the Jackson's Chameleon (Trioceros jacksonii) have a period of one month of gestation 5-7. Each young chameleon born within the transparent adhesive layer of their yolk sac. The female can live up to 30 young a gestation period Some chameleon species to their color. Different chameleon species are capable of different colors which can include pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown, blue, yellow, turquoise and purple. The
color change indicates the physiological condition of a chameleon and intentions of other chameleons.
Chameleons tend to show darker colors when angry, or trying to scare or intimidate others, while males show lighter, multi-colored patterns when court women Some species, such as the Smith's dwarf chameleon, adjust color for camouflage in accordance with the vision of specific predator species (bird or snake) that are threatened. Chameleons are subject to parasitism by coccidia, including species of the genera Eimeria and Isospora Choleoeimeria
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