The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Sea Otter | The sea otter is one of the smaller species of marine mammals, but it is the heaviest of mustelids. Otters men weighs 22-45 kg (49-99 pounds) and is 1.2 to 1.5 meters (4-5 feet) tall, although the samples to 54 kg (119 lb) were recorded. Females are smaller and weigh 14-33 kg (30-73 pounds) and measure 1.0 to 1.4 meters (3 feet 3 to 4 feet 7 inches) in length. His baculum is, the size of the male otter, very large and massive curved upwards of 150 mm (6 inches) long and 15 mm wide (0.6 cm) at the base. Unlike many other marine mammals, the sea otter no fat and relies on its exceptionally thick fur to keep warm. The fur consists of long waterproof guard hairs and walk along the guard hairs are dense layer dry hair. Because the ability of guard hairs to repel water depends on utmost cleanliness, the sea otter ability to reach and groom the fur on any part of their body, taking advantage of its loose skin and a skeleton exceptional color of the fur is usually dark brown with silver-gray spots, but can vary from yellow-brown or gray to almost black.
sea otter displays numerous adaptations to the marine environment. Hind feet, which provide most of its propulsion in swimming, are long, wide flattened, and fully webbed. The
sea otter pushed the water by moving the rear of the body, including its tail and hind legs from top to bottom, and is capable of speeds up to 9 km / h (5.6 mph). Underwater, his body is long and narrow, with short front legs pressed against his chest. Long, highly sensitive whiskers and front paws help the sea otter find prey by touch when the water is dark or interference. Other observations indicate the direction of the
sea otter's position is useful above and below the water, but not as good as seals. 32 adult teeth, especially molars, are flattened and rounded, designed to crush rather than cut the
food. Seals and sea otters are the only carnivores with two pairs of lower incisors, instead of three adult dental formula is The sea otter has a metabolic rate two or three times higher than that of terrestrial mammals relatively small size.
The relatively large kidneys, you can get fresh water from
sea water and excrete concentrated urine The sea otter is diurnal. Observations of the time a sea otter must spend each day foraging 24-60%, apparently depending on the availability of food in the region. Sea otters spend much of their time grooming, which involves cleaning the fur, unravel knots, removing loose fur, rubbing the fur to fetch water and introduce air and the air in the
coat. When eating, the sea otter rolls in the water frequently, apparently to wash food particles from their fur. Although each adult and independent juvenile forages alone sea otters tend to rest together in single-sex groups called rafts. A raft typically contains 10 to 100 animals, and the males are larger than females. The largest raft ever seen are over 2000
sea otters to avoid drifting at sea when resting and eating, sea otters may wrap themselves in kelp.
A man of the
sea otter is more likely to mate if he has a breeding territory in an area that is also favored by women. Adult females move freely between male territories, where more than adult men by an average of 5-1. Although sea otters can be playful and sociable, not really considered social animals. They spend a lot of time alone, and each adult can meet their needs for hunting, healthcare and defense Sea otters are polygynous: males have multiple female partners.
California sea otter gives birth each year, about twice as often as in Alaska. Born mostly occurs in water and usually a small weighing 1.4 to 2.3 kg (3.5 pounds). At birth, the eyes are open, ten teeth are visible, and the puppy has a thick fur baby.
Women perform all tasks
feeding and rearing of offspring, and have occasionally been seen care of orphaned puppies. Much has been written about the degree of devotion
Sea Otter mothers for their pups - a mother gives her child almost constant attention, rocking on his chest cold water and attentively grooming its fur. When foraging, leaving his young floating on the water, sometimes wrapped in seaweed to keep flying for the puppy to sleep, cry loudly until he returns. In the wild, sea otters live to a maximum age of 23 years, with an average lifespan of 10-15 years for men and 15-20 for women. Sea otters in the wild often develop worn teeth, which may explain their seemingly shorter life Predation of sea otters occurs, although it is not common.
Young predators can kill an otter and not eating. The most important mammalian predators of this species are killer whales and sea lions, eagles also eat less of them drag on the water surface On land, sea otters attack before the young bear and coyote In California, bites from sharks, great white sharks, in particular, is estimated to cause 10% of deaths in the sea otter is one of the reasons that the population has expanded northward. The great white shark is considered their main
predators, and sea otters were found dead injuries from shark bites, but there is no evidence that sharks actually eat them. Exposure to the States Natural History Museum in San Diego that cat feces from storm water carries parasites of the ocean and kills sea otters Sea otters can do well in captivity, and are presented in more than 40 public aquariums and zoos. Seattle Aquarium became the first institution to raise sea otters from conception to adulthood with the birth of Tichuk 1979, followed by three more pups in 1980.
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