The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Dolphin | Dolphins, along with whales and porpoises, are descendants of terrestrial mammals, probably on the order artiodactyl. The ancestors of today's dolphins in the water about 50 million years ago in the Eocene. Modern dolphin skeletons have two small rod shaped pelvic thought to be vestigial hind legs. The dorsal fin, in those species that provides stability while swimming. Dolphins breathe through a blowhole on top of the head. The dolphin brain is large and very complex, and is different in structure to that of most terrestrial mammals. The only exception is the Boto river dolphin, which is constantly tiny hairs on stage. Dolphins reproductive organs on the underside of the body.
Mammary two slits on both sides of the slit female genital tract. The healing process is quick and also very deep wounds do not cause the dolphins to
bleed to death. A study conducted at the U.S. National Marine Mammal Foundation has shown that dolphins, like humans, a natural form of type 2 diabetes, which can lead to a better understanding of the disease and new treatments for humans and dolphins for Development Most dolphins have acute eyesight, both in and out of the water, and can hear frequencies ten times or more above the upper limit of the human adult.
Hearing is also used for echolocation, all dolphins. Dolphin teeth should act as antennas to receive the audio in and the exact position of an object.
The Dolphin Touch is well developed, densely packed free nerve endings in skin, especially around the snout, pectoral fins and genital area. Since dolphins spend most of their time below the surface, tasting the water could function as the smell, that the substances in water can indicate the presence of objects that are not in the mouth of the dolphin. Though most dolphins do not have hair, have hair follicles that can perform a sensory function. Compared to many other species, however, the behavior of dolphins has been studied extensively, both in captivity and in nature. Dolphins are social, living in pods of a dozen people. In places with high abundance of food, pods can join temporarily, forming a superpod, these groups may have more than 1000 dolphins.
Dolphins also reflect the culture, something long believed to be unique to humans (and possibly other species of primates). In May 2005, a discovery in Australia found Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) teaching their young to use the tools.
Dolphins participate aggressions respect to each other. The older a male dolphin, the more likely that his body should be lined with bite scars. Male dolphins engage in such acts of aggression apparently for the same reasons as humans: disputes between companions and competition for women.
Male dolphins are known to participate in infanticide. Dolphins are also known to kill dolphins for reasons not entirely understood, as porpoises generally is not the same diet as dolphins and are therefore not competitors for food.
Dolphin copulation happens belly to belly, even though many species engage in foreplay long, the real action is usually short, but it can be repeated several times in a short period of time. The gestation period depends on the type, for TUCUXI small dolphin, this period is about 11 to 12 months, while for the orca, the gestation period is about 17 months. The age of
sexual maturity varies depending on the species and sex. Dolphins are known to have sexual intercourse for reasons other than reproduction sometimes also involved in homosexual behavior. Different species can participate in sexual behavior between copulation with other species of dolphins.
Sexual contact may be violent, aggressive behavior with male dolphins sometimes against women and other males occasionally dolphins sexual towards other animals, including humans.
dolphins occasionally jump out of the water and, sometimes, perform acrobatics (for example, the dolphin spinner). The possibilities include locating schools of fish, looking at above water signs like feeding birds, communicate with other dolphins, shedding of parasites or simply entertainment. The game is an important part of culture dolphin.
Dolphins playing with seaweed and play-fighting with other dolphins. Dolphins enjoy riding waves and frequently surf the ocean waves and waves of boats, sometimes "jump" between the two waves of the bow of a catamaran in motion.
dolphins sleep with one hemisphere of the brain in slow wave sleep at a time, thus maintaining enough awareness to breathe and watch for potential predators and other threats. In captivity, the dolphins seem to go into a completely asleep, closed both eyes and there's mild response to external stimuli. Dolphins anesthesia initially show a reflex kick tail. Although a similar situation was observed with wild Sperm Whales, dolphins is not known whether in nature, it is
located. The Indus
River dolphin has a method different from the sleep of other species of dolphins.
More recently, the 1963 Flipper movie and subsequent TV series 1964 common dolphins in Western society. The series, created by Ivan Tors, portrayed a dolphin as a marine version of Lassie, the collie popular TV series in 1950. Flipper was a
bottlenose dolphin who understood the commands and always behave heroically. The 1973 film The Day of the Dolphin portrays kidnapped dolphins perform a naval military assassination using explosives. This was also examined in the same Simpsons Treehouse Horror episode, "Night of the Dolphin", where Lisa frees a dolphin in an aquarium shows and unconsciously start the plan of campaign to overthrow the people and live in their place.
Orcas are depicted in the film, although to a lesser extent than bottlenosed dolphins. In the 1993 film made a star of Free Willy the Orca playing Willy, Keiko. Although the
dolphins are generally good people skills, a number of attacks occurred, mainly due to minor injuries. Attacks may occur both in nature and captivity. Orcas, the largest species of dolphin, were involved in fatal attacks on humans in captivity. Deadly attacks by other species are less common, but there is a performance recorded on the coast of Brazil in 1994, when a man died after being attacked by a dolphin named
Tiao. While
attacks on dolphins are much less common than attacks by other sea creatures, including sharks, some scientists are concerned about the sloppy programs of human-dolphin. Dr. Andrew J. Read, a biologist at the Duke University Marine Laboratory who studies
dolphin attacks, suggests that dolphins are predators large and wild, so people should be more cautious when dealing with them.
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