The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Spider | Spiders are chelicerates and therefore arthropods. In spiders the cephalothorax and abdomen are connected by a small cylindrical section of the stem. Scorpion chelicerae have three sections and are used for food. The upper sections generally have thick "beards" that filter solid lumps out of their diet, such as spiders may only take liquid food. Pedipalps generally form large claws of the Scorpion, to catch prey, while the very small appendages of spiders, their bases to act as an extension of the mouth, than those of male spiders enlarged last sections used for the transfer of sperm.
In the
spider cephalothorax and abdomen are connected by a small cylindrical stem, so that the belly move independently in the production of
silk. The abdomen is soft, egg-shaped. There are no signs of segmentation, unless the Mesothelae primitive, whose members live Liphistiidae segmented plates on the upper surface. Like other arthropods, spiders are coelomates in which the coelom is to small areas around the reproductive and excretory systems reduced.
blood of many spiders have lungs, the respiratory pigment hemocyanin book is to make more efficient oxygen transport. Spiders have developed several different respiratory anatomies, based on book lungs, a tracheal system, or both. Mygalomorph and
spiders have two pairs of lungs Mesothelae book with haemolymph, where openings on the ventral surface of the abdomen in order to enter the air and filled to diffuse oxygen.
trachea was connected by surrounding a pair of openings as air holes, but fused in the plurality of spiders this pair of air holes in a in the middle and moved back close to the spinneret. Spiders, tracheae generally have higher metabolic rates and better water conservation. Uniquely among chelicerates, the final sections of spiders chelicerae teeth, and the vast majority of spiders can inject venom into prey from venom glands in the roots of the chelicerae are. Uloboridae The
family lost its venom glands, and instead kills its prey with silk. Like most arachnids, including scorpions, spiders have a well-established that they have nothing to do with the liquid food and spiders, two sets of filters to keep solids out.
grind the prey with the chelicerae and the bases of the pedipalps mash form during floods the system with the enzymes in these species the chelicerae and the bases of the pedipalps a cavity that contains the preoral food you prepare. The cephalothorax stomach acts like a pump which sends the food deeper digestive system. Most spiders convert the waste products of nitrogen in uric acid that can be excreted as a dry material. With the exception of
Mesothelae primitive, from which the Liphistiidae are the only surviving family, spiders have the central nervous system is much more typical of arachnids
all the
ganglia of all segments are fused behind the esophagus, so that the cephalothorax is largely filled with nervous tissue and there are no ganglia in the abdomen
Mesothelae remain the ganglia of the abdomen and the back of the cephalothorax unsecured The belly has no attachments, except those that have been modified to form 03.59 clock (generally three) pairs of short chains, furniture, or that make the silkThere are at least six different types of silk gland, each of which a different type of silk Silk consists mainly of a protein is very similar to that in insect silk.
spiders have a cribellum, a chain of up to 40,000 cones modified, each of which generates a single
very fine fiber. The earliest spiders had cribella that has produced the first silk capable of catching insects, spider silk coated with sticky droplets developed first. However most modern groups of spiders have lost cribellum. Tarantulas also have silk glands in the legs. Spiders reproduce sexually and fertilization is internal but indirectly, in other words, the sperm is inserted into the
body of the female by the male genitalia, but an intermediate step. Unlike many of the terrestrial arthropods, and male spiders do not produce finished spermatophores (packets of sperm) but spin small webs that ejaculate sperm and then transferring the sperm to syringe-like structures at the tips of their pedipalps.
Spiders use elaborate mating rituals, as a rule to great women from eating the small males before fertilization, when the male is much smaller that it is not worthwhile to avoid eating. In web-weaving species precise patterns of vibrations on the Web are an important part of the rituals, while patterns of touches to the body of the female in many spiders that hunt actively, are important and can "hypnotize" the female. Gestures and dances by the male are for jumping spiders, which have an excellent view, important. If courtship is successful, the male injects his sperm from the pedipalps of the female genital opening, known as the epigynum, on his abdomen.
Female reproductive traits vary from simple tubes to systems that are forward-looking container, in which females store sperm and release it when finished. The males of the genus Tidarren amputate one of their palps before maturation and enter adult life with one palp only.
In the Yemeni species
Tidarren Argo, the remaining palp is then torn from the female. In the meantime the female feeds on the male palpless. In some species the females to die, but females of other species by protecting the bags to their networks, by hiding them in nests bring in their chelicerae or attaching them to businesses and to attract them. Some spiders care for their young, for
example, a wolf spider brood cling to rough bristles on the mother's back, and the females of some species on the behavior of "begging" for their young by responding provided them the prey, that is not difficult or even regurgitate food. Like other arthropods, spiders are still, to grow as their cuticle ("skin") not stretch. In some species, males copulate, when mutated, they are too weak to support a
risk for men. Most spiders live only one or two years, although some tarantulas can live in captivity for over 20 years
Guanine is responsible for the white spots of the European Council of spider Araneus diadematus. Structural colors occur in some species that are the result of diffraction or interference of light scattering for example hair or modified scale. Build some kinds of spiders, webs live together in large colonies and show social behavior, although not as complex as in social insects. The genus Anelosimus has a strong tendency towards sociality: all known American species are
social and species in Madagascar, at least some "social members of other species of the same family but different genera have independently varying social behavior developed, for example one, though. Other
municipalities, including spiders Philoponella various species (family Uloboridae) Agelena subsidiary (Family Agelenidae) and Mallos gregalis (Family Dictynidae). Social spiders need predators to defend their prey against kleptoparasites ("thieves"), and
larger colonies are more successful in this. The herbivorous spider Bagheera kiplingi lives in small colonies on protect eggs and spiderlings help.
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