The Biggest Animals Kingdom and in The World | Grasshopper | Grasshoppers have antennae that are generally smaller than their bodies and short ovipositor. Those species that are easy to hear the noise usually do this by rubbing their hind legs from the thigh or abdomen (stridulation front fenders), or by clicking the wings during flight. Hind femora usually long and strong, fitted for jumping. Usually, they have wings, but the hind wings are membranous while front wings (tegmina) are coriaceous and not fit for flight. Females are usually larger than males, with a short ovipositor. Ensiferans antenna has at least 20-24 segments, and there caeliferans less. Many undescribed species exist in tropical forests in particular. Caelifera grasshoppers eat mostly prefer tropical grass, leaves and grains. Most of the polyphagous grasshoppers.
Only one of the
8,000 species of locusts is monophagous and there is only one kind of plant. Digestion insect gut (stomodaeum, the mouth), midgut (intestine) and rectum (proctodeum, anal). The jaw can chew food very easy to start and mechanical digestion. Salivary glands chemically digest food, even if you eat carbohydrates in the grass, and I like them. Culture has the ability to keep food. Harvest, the food enters the stomach, the teeth are in such
functions. From there, the
food enters the stomach. In the stomach, digestive enzymes are mixed with food to break down. Most shops are made in the gut, but some food waste and waste from the Malpighian tubules injected into the rectum.
Salivary glands, intestine and digestive enzymes. Protease identifies colon, lipase, amylase, and invertase, along with other enzymes. Locusts have an open
circulatory system, with most of the body fluid (hemolymph) filling body cavities and appendages. The body is closed, the dorsal vessel, extends from the head of the chest in the back. Hemolymph forward from the rear and sides of the body through a series of valves, chambers, each of which receives a pair of lateral openings (mouth) contains. This circulation of hemolymph nutrients throughout the body and carries metabolic wastes in the Malpighian tubes are located. Why not carry oxygen, grasshopper
"blood" green. Breathing is done through the trachea, air-filled tube, open at the surface of the thorax and abdomen pairs vents.
Ganglia of the nervous system of locusts, the free group of nerve cells in most species more advanced than cnidarians found under control. In grasshoppers, there are nodes in each segment and a large number in my head as the brain. Grasshoppers and tympanal organs for sound quality. In some countries, grasshoppers are eating a good protein source.
Locusts materials should be used with caution because they may contain worms. In some African countries, locusts are an important source of food, like other insects, except for protein and fat in the daily diet, especially during the food crisis. "Locusts" in Uganda and neighboring areas have a nsenene, but they really crickets, locusts, too. In some Middle Eastern countries, locusts are prepared in hot water with salt and leave to dry in the sun, that is, as a snack.
Swarm of locusts can be great damage to crops. Important species include locust gregaria locust Locusta migratoria in Africa and the Middle East and Locust piceifrons in tropical Mexico and Central America (Central America). Other important pests such as locusts (change in contrast to the true locusts, no color, if they are swarming) include Melanoplus species (like M. bivittatus, M. and M. femurrubrum differentialis) and Camnula pellucida in North America, Romalea guttata ( Grasshopper course), and Magna Brachystola Sphenarium purpurascens in Northern and Central Mexico; Rhammatocerus type in South America and Oedaleus senegalensis (Senegal Grasshopper) and spotted Zonocerus (Locust color) in Africa. In other arid, sandy environments and fit well with the color of dry earth or
sand adapted.
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